Expert Guide to Fibonacci Roulette Betting Systems

Last Updated on July 3, 2024 by LTC Casino Editorial

The Fibonacci roulette betting strategy is a popular betting system used by players to manage their bets while playing roulette. The strategy is based on the Fibonacci sequence, a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. This sequence is often used in various aspects of life, including gambling, due to its unique mathematical properties.

The Fibonacci sequence starts with 0 and 1, and the following numbers are the sum of the two preceding ones: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on. In the context of roulette, players use this sequence to determine the size of their bets after a loss.

How Does the Fibonacci Sequence Work in the Roulette Betting Strategy?

When using the Fibonacci system in roulette, players increase their bets according to the Fibonacci sequence after each loss. Here’s how it works step-by-step:

  1. Start with the smallest bet. Begin with the minimum bet allowed at the table.
  2. Follow the sequence. After each loss, move to the next number in the Fibonacci sequence and use it as your bet size.
  3. Reset after a win. When you win, move back two steps in the sequence for your next bet. If you win on the first two numbers, start over.

For example, if you start with a $1 bet and lose, your next bet would be $1 (following the sequence: 1, 1). If you lose again, your next bet would be $2, then $3, $5, and so on. After a win, if you were at $13, you would move back to $5.

Step-by-Step Example

To illustrate, let’s use a sequence starting with a $1 bet and betting on red:

Bet NumberBet AmountOutcomeSequence PositionTotal Loss/Profit

In this example, after losing the first five bets, the player wins on the sixth bet, then steps back two positions in the sequence for the next bet. After additional losses and wins, the player continues to follow the sequence, stepping back two positions after each win.


Using the Fibonacci system carries inherent risks, as it involves increasing bets after losses. This can lead to significant losses if a losing streak continues. Players must be aware of the following risks:

  • Bankroll Depletion. Rapidly increasing bets can quickly deplete your bankroll, especially during a prolonged losing streak.
  • Table Limits. Many casinos have maximum bet limits, which can prevent you from continuing the sequence.
  • Emotional Stress. The stress of increasing bets after consecutive losses can impact decision-making and overall enjoyment of the game.


Despite the risks, the Fibonacci system offers several benefits:

  • Structured Betting. The system provides a clear structure for managing bets, which can be appealing for players who prefer a systematic approach.
  • Potential for Recovery. By increasing bets after losses, players have the potential to recover losses with fewer wins.
  • Mathematical Appeal. The use of the Fibonacci sequence, a well-known mathematical pattern, adds an element of intrigue and strategy to the betting process.

The Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. It is named after the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci. The sequence starts as follows: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 and so on. This sequence is found in various aspects of nature, art, and mathematics.

Fibonacci sequence in nature

Fibonacci Roulette vs. Standard Roulette

The main difference between using the Fibonacci system and playing standard roulette lies in the betting strategy. In standard roulette, players may place random bets without following a specific pattern. With the Fibonacci system, players follow a structured sequence to determine their bets, which can add an element of discipline to their gameplay.

Quick tip: Using the Fibonacci or any other roulette strategy does not change the house edge or guarantee success. It’s simply a more organized way to place bets.

Reverse Fibonacci Strategy

The Reverse Fibonacci Strategy is a variation where players decrease their bets following the Fibonacci sequence after a win, rather

than a loss. This approach aims to maximize winnings during a winning streak while minimizing losses during a losing streak. However, most players prefer to use the original strategy, as it gives them bigger luck, that the reverse one.

Using the Fibonacci System Online

The Fibonacci system can be used effectively in online roulette, where players can easily keep track of the sequence and adjust their bets accordingly. Many online casinos offer low minimum bets, allowing players to start with smaller amounts and follow the sequence without quickly reaching table limits. In our casino, you can test the strategy in live roulette from real casinos and in provably fair roulette games (no dealer, just RNG).

Odds and House Edge Comparison: Fibonacci in American vs. European Roulette

To compare the effectiveness of the Fibonacci system in American and European roulette, let’s examine the odds and house edge over 1,000,000 spins.

American Roulette

  • Number of Pockets: 38 (1-36, 0, 00)
  • Probability of Winning on Red: 18/38 ≈ 47.37%
  • House Edge: 5.26%

European Roulette

  • Number of Pockets: 37 (1-36, 0)
  • Probability of Winning on Red: 18/37 ≈ 48.65%
  • House Edge: 2.70%

Simulation Results

A simulation of 1,000,000 spins using the Fibonacci system in both American and European roulette can provide insights into the long-term performance of the strategy.

American Roultte vs European Roulette - Fibonacci sequence 100,000 spins simulation results

American Roulette Simulation:

  • Total Spins: 100 000
  • Starting Bankroll: $1,000
  • Bet on Red: Following the Fibonacci sequence
  • Results: As illustrated in the graph, the balance fluctuates significantly, with frequent sharp drops due to the higher house edge and probability of losing. The balance rarely recovers, demonstrating the increased risk in American roulette.

European Roulette Simulation:

  • Total Spins: 100 000
  • Starting Bankroll: $1,000
  • Bet on Red: Following the Fibonacci sequence
  • Results: The balance shows more stability and consistent recovery due to the lower house edge and higher probability of winning. The graph illustrates fewer and less severe drops, indicating a better performance of the Fibonacci system in European roulette.

Quick tip: You can try your own simulations by using our Google Colab Notebook with Fibonacci Betting System Comparison for American and European Roulettes. Results may vary!


In American roulette, the higher house edge (5.26%) means that over the long term, players are more likely to encounter extended losing streaks that can quickly deplete their bankroll. The higher probability of losing (52.63%) compared to European roulette makes it less favorable for using the Fibonacci system.

In European roulette, the lower house edge (2.70%) and slightly higher probability of winning on red (48.65%) make it a better option for the Fibonacci system. Players have a better chance of recovering losses and continuing the sequence without hitting table limits or depleting their bankroll as quickly. For more tips, tricks, and strategies specifically tested for European roulette, you can check out article where we test different tips for European roulette including betting systems and strategies.

More Roulette Strategies For You

In addition to the Fibonacci system, there are several other popular roulette betting strategies:

  1. Martingale System: Doubling the bet after each loss, aiming to recover losses with a single win.
  2. D’Alembert System: Increasing the bet by one unit after a loss and decreasing it by one unit after a win.
  3. Labouchere System: Creating a sequence of numbers and betting the sum of the first and last numbers in the sequence.
  4. Paroli System: Doubling the bet after each win, aiming to capitalize on winning streaks.
  5. Oscar’s Grind (Anti-Martingale System): Increasing the bet after a win and maintaining the same bet after a loss. This strategy aims to capitalize on winning streaks while minimizing losses during losing streaks. The goal is to achieve a series of small profits rather than large single wins.


The Fibonacci Roulette Betting Strategy offers a structured approach to managing bets in roulette, based on the famous Fibonacci sequence. While it can provide a methodical way to potentially recover losses, it also carries significant risks. Players should practice responsible gambling and consider the benefits and drawbacks of the system before using it. By understanding how the Fibonacci sequence works in the context of roulette, players can make informed decisions and enjoy a more strategic gaming experience.